What is a garden consultation, and how can it help me?
Hi all! Can you believe it’s been five years since the world shut down and we all retreated into our houses and backyards for this mysterious thing called “quarantine?” I know, I probably shouldn’t mention it too loudly. But really, what did you do in those first days of panic mode?! While the rest of the world was purchasing Clorox and toilet paper, I ran to Home Depot for three blueberry bushes.
Some of my friends eventually followed suit. My sister-in-law called me in early April to ask how she should plant radish seeds. My neighbors asked if I might give them some of my compost for their new tomatoes in whiskey barrels. Families of the kids I tutored called for my help with new raised beds. It was then, five years ago this month, that the idea of a “garden consultation” took root.
My 2020 garden. These are the same cedar boards as my current beds! The bamboo teepee supported peas that April.
So what, exactly, is a garden consultation? And how might it help you in your journey to your Pinterest worthy garden plan?
If you have been gardening for a while, but your garden feels more overwhelming than fun, we can help with that. A consultation in an established garden is like a check up at the doctors office— we are looking for a few key indicators of garden health so that we can remove some the challenges.
Are you gardening in the ground, or in raised beds? What’s your soil like? How much sun are your plants getting?
Do you have strong vertical pieces to support your vining crops and give the garden some architectural height?
Do you have pathways that allow easy access to your crops?
Do you need functional elements to help with tending the garden— a sink? a potting bench? A shady seat to stop and smell the carrot tops?
When we “coach” gardeners who are struggling with existing gardens, we explain the principals behind our advice so that you know what to look for in the future. Why are there so many cabbage worms on my brassica crops?? Well, we teach you what the eggs look like. Why aren’t my seeds germinating? We teach you how to assess the amount of water your garden needs instead of relying on a robotic irrigation system.
If you are interested in gardening and your yard is a blank space, we start with a garden consultation focused on your personal garden goals:
How much time will you spend in the garden?
What kind of veggies will your family eat?
Do you envision this space as a family zone, or a “I’m escaping to the garden to be alone” zone?
Once we determine what your garden goals are, we return to the principals of design: clean edges, accessible boxes, coherent pathways, and beautiful vertical elements. We integrate components of your house— your window panes, your brick pathways, the curves of your patio— to create a space that achieves your garden dreams.
Come to think of it, I can’t say garden consultations have changed all that much in the past five years. Sure, this little biz has automated calendar invites, and a website chockfull of garden tips, but at the core of it all, garden consultations are our opportunity to share some of garden geekery that we have gleaned. This hobby truly makes us happy, you know? It’s absolutely thrilling to help you find that same joy.
Abi and Hudson in the garden