February Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, tend, and plan in the February garden for Middle Tennessee.
January Planning Series Part 1: 5 Questions to Guide Your Planning
Step-by-step guide to planning your veggie garden at the beginning of the season. Ask yourself “Why? What? How Much? When? and Where?” to create a plan that works for your goals and particular growing conditions.
Journal Prompts for Reflecting on Your Garden Season
Take time to reflect on your garden season and get a jump start on planning how you’ll improve your experience and yield next year. These journaling prompts will guide you through the reflection.
Early November Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your early November garden.
Late-October Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your late-October garden.
The Most Essential Garden Tool
Why a journal is our favorite garden tool, and 11 prompts to get you started.
Mid-October Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your mid-October garden.
Early October Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your Early-October garden.
Mid-September Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your Mid-September garden.
Early September Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your early September garden.
Mid-late August Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your mid-August garden.
Early August Garden To-Do List
What to plant, harvest, and tend in your early August garden.
Q&A: Should we be planting summer or fall veggies right now? (mid-July)
Answering the big mid-summer question: when is it too late to plant warm-season veggies?